Fresh and full of goodness!
Hemp seeds are unique in that not only are they packed with important minerals like manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamin and zinc, but they also contain GLA, an essential omega fatty acid which helps the body to thrive!
A defiiciency in GLA can at first cause dry hair and skin and cracked nails.
Find my recipe for Hemp Seed Hummus below.
Measurements are approximate and can be adjusted to taste.
1 heaped tbsp of Shelled Hemp Seeds
1-2 desert spoon of Tahini
2 desert spoon of Olive Oil
1-2 desert spoon Apple Cider Vinegar
Juice of 1/4 small lemon
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Bouillon powder
1tbsp of water
Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt
Soak the Hemp Seeds for (ideally) 2-3 hours but if you only have 30 minutes that's ok!
Drain the hemp seeds and put all ingredients in a blender.
Add more water if needed to create desired consistency

(Picture is the hemp seeds soaking! Make sure you get this type of hemp seed.)